CMOV 2023

SPRING RETREAT SCHOLARSHIPS - This spring, our retreat is at a camp that is centrally located with several great options for our group. The cost per student or staff is double past retreats. I am seeking 10 full scholarships of $150 and 20 half scholarships of $75 to ensure that no one is turned away due to finances.

STAFF CONFERENCE - I was able to go to a campus ministry conference last summer that encouraged me greatly. After four days, I returned home with new tools to do ministry and with a renewed passion for this mission that I’ve been called to. I would love to be able to take all of our staff this year. The registration and housing for each of our nine staff members is $500. 

HEAD START INTO 2023 - As we head into the new year, please consider a special gift or becoming a recurring partner to help our ministry  be set free to our work of making disciples of college students.

Your partnership is critical!